Running TARDIS in the commandline¶
This option will be removed in the next versions of TARDIS
After installing TARDIS, just download the configuration file from the
tardis-setups and the standard
atomic data set from the tardis-refdata repository and run TARDIS.
Assuming you have wget
, you could follow the procedure:
mkdir tardis_example
cd tardis_example
tardis tardis_example.yml output_spectrum.dat
Then plot the output_spectrum.dat with your favourite plotting program. Here’s an example of how to do this with python (the only thing you need to install is ipython and matplotlib — in addition to TARDIS’s requirements).
ipython --pylab
>>> tardis_spec = loadtxt('output_spectrum.dat')
>>> plot(tardis_spec[:,0], tardis_spec[:,1])
More atomic datasets can be downloaded from Atomic Data.