
Before installing TARDIS, please check its requirements. We provide instructions for installing TARDIS using Anaconda. If you encounter problems, consult the troubleshooting section. Once you have installed TARDIS, check out the “Using TARDIS” section (in sidebar) for instructions regarding how to perform simple TARDIS calculations.


  • TARDIS is only compatible with Python >=3.6

  • TARDIS only supports MacOS and Linux.

  • We strongly recommend installing TARDIS within an Anaconda environment and to always use the latest GitHub development version.


You can see a list of all the requirements of TARDIS in the environment definition file.

TARDIS is using Astropy’s excellent installation helpers and thus uses similar instructions to Astropy.

Installing TARDIS with Anaconda

We highly recommend using the Anaconda Python environment to install TARDIS (or any other scientific packages for that matter). Anaconda has the advantage of being an isolated environment that can be set to be the default one, but by no means will mess with your other environments. It will also work on computers where root-rights are not available. Use these instructions to install Anaconda on your machine. The next step is to create an environment for TARDIS that contains all of the necessary packages (this ensures that TARDIS requirements won’t clash with any other Python installs on disc):

First, download the environment definition file from:

To create the environment, change to the directory that you downloaded the environment definition file and run:

conda env create -f tardis_env3.yml

Then to activate this environment simply do:

source activate tardis

or the new method:

conda activate tardis

and after you are done with TARDIS you can deactivate:

conda deactivate

One does not need to recreate the environment, but simply activate it every time TARDIS is used.

For TARDIS development purposes please follow the steps here until the step to install TARDIS in the development mode python develop. Development guidelines for TARDIS can be found here.

To install TARDIS, it is recommended to first clone our repository and then install TARDIS, as follows:

git clone
cd tardis
python install