TARDIS Core Package Documentation


TARDIS is an open-source Monte Carlo radiative-transfer spectral synthesis code for 1D models of supernova ejecta. It is designed for rapid spectral modelling of supernovae. It is developed and maintained by a multi-disciplinary team including software engineers, computer scientists, statisticians, and astrophysicists.

If you use this code for any publications or presentations please follow our citation guidelines in Credits & Publication Policies.

User modifications and additions that lead to publications need to be handed back to the community by incorporating them into TARDIS. Please contact the TARDIS team via the GitHub page if you have questions or need assistance.

Mission Statement

The mission of the TARDIS community is to develop open-source software instruments to analyze and simulate astronomical transients (supernovae, kilonovae, etc.) for research and education purposes. We aim to build up a diverse group of researchers and developers using an open-community model that emphasizes interdisciplinary research and science reproducibility.
